Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blog Worthy!

Harris Teeter had super doubles (what I like to call "supe dubs") this past week. Meaning that they double any manufacturers coupon that has a face value of $1.98 or less. I usually try and go to HT at the beginning of their sale week to insure that I get all items that I need. But this time, I slacked BIG time. I ended up going today but I had the best trip EVER! Anyways... on to the important stuff. Below is a picture of everything I purchased:

Drum roll please.....

$15.07 worth of items for only... wait for it..... $0.75. Yes, you read right! And just to make it better, it was $15.07 BEFORE tax and $0.75 AFTER tax. Note: Thirty-One bag not included in the totals. Although it was free because I am an awesome 31 Consultant. 

All thanks to Southern Savers, I could have never done it on my own.

Monday, May 30, 2011

So many buttons... so little time.

For some odd reason, I have always kept the extra buttons that come with clothing. The reason why I find it odd is that I don't even know how to sew (I know... I know, how embarrassing!).
I found myself sitting here completely bored, just needing to find something to do! Thank goodness for buttons, super glue, and an empty IKEA frame. =)

1. I emptied out all those little plastic bags with individual buttons in them:

2. I super glued each button to the cardboard inside the frame:

3. Finished product:

Wall before:

Wall after:

Yay for my first crafty post!

And now the blogging begins...

A day away from work!?! What to do... what to do? I guess start a blog!

I think I may have started this whole blogging thing backwards. First you should come up with a name for your blog and then take it from there. Well, I first did something crafty, took pictures, and then created a blog. The hardest part of this whole thing was thinking of a title for my blog. So (thanks to google search) I have come up with "Jaunty Jules". You may find yourself asking "What does "Jaunty" mean?". There are several definitions out there for the word, but my fave is: fashionable; stylish. Can you please use it in a sentence?- You don't have to always buy expensive designer labels to be jaunty. =)

Hopefully there will be some super great posts to come!